Aug 13, 2011

I Have The Power Inside Me Because God Is Inside Me

It is true that if you understand the power within you and unleash your potential, you can create miracles.

In 1980 I was in the army flying helicopters. Our unit had just moved to a remote area. My colleague bought 2 posters and put it in the crew room. The first poster was of a man sitting on a hill top in the same way as in this picture. In the background were clouds and mountains.  It had a caption " Today I Am Moving The Clouds; Tomorrow I Shall Move The Mountains".

The second poster was that of  a person diving from a great height into the river far below. The caption was "You Only Live Once But Once Is Enough If You Live It Right".

Viewing these posters everyday helped many of us. It subconsciously registered in our minds.

The man who had put those posters became the owner of a Low Cost Airlines in India and shook all established airlines.
We all should be thankful to him because he put a check on the soaring air fares. He made air travel within the reach of a poor person also by introducing Rs 1 tickets. Amazing!!!!

This man sold the airlines and is using the proceeds to run an orphanage in India. He is fully devoted to this social service.
I salute him.

Jun 26, 2011

Secret To My Success

I was like most of the people but my 2 decisions made the difference.
 My 2 decisions

  1. Don’t give up
  2. Learn from mistakes

 There are so many schemes and scams on the Internet, promising quick riches and wealth. Most are empty promises that don't deliver.

Get Excited To Learn
 Don’t Give Up. I knew somewhere there are some good genuine internet opportunities. All I have to do is find them. One is enough to change my life.
After trying several different programs myself and evaluating even more, I finally decided which is the best way to make money online. The clear answer is, any one that works for you!

 Learn From Mistakes.  I was so busy trying to find good genuine opportunity that I was just hopping from one to another without learning what is to be done.

There are tremendous possibilities for wealth from working online, but you need to learn how marketing works.

 At some stage I realized that all internet business requires promotion so I started learning how and where to promote.

 I tried promoting many business but did not succeed.

Many times I felt like giving up and returning back to traditional way of earning. 

 Luckily I did not give up.

I started seriously exploring and learning how to grow in this business and then implementing what I learned.

 I stated earning.

Slowly my confidence started increasing. 

I found that it has a wonderful “Education System” which if anyone learns and follows it seriously, great results can be achieved.

I learned the difference between “MARKETING” and “PROMOTION”.

I see no reason why you will not succeed if you follow the system.

 Time to make your decisions.

 To your success

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Apr 2, 2011

Change With Time

The advent of internet technology has opened the doors for an ordinary person to become a businessman and build wealth without the risk and difficulties of conventional business.

These businesses are free to join but free earning is NOT THERE.
They are free to join in terms of money investment. After joining, explore, research and even build to a profitable level. If you find that this is not your cup of tea, EXIT. The investment is of TIME to LEARN and EARN. Now this is what we do for jobs also.

Kindle 3G. Click to get more details
1. We get basic qualifications to apply for a job
2. We constantly get trained in the job
3. We invest our time and get paid for it

The beauty of internet networking business is

1. These business grow on the principle of "DUPLICATION".
2. When enough people DUPLICATE , you are then FREE.
3.  It "LEVERAGES" your time and effort

Just remember this.

1. No business works by itself. It is the people who make it work.
2. You have to be "IN" if you want to "WIN".
3. Have you learned the basics which you can teach to get the duplication process started ??
4. Just because there are no investments, it is easy to join and as easy to leave by not doing anything.

Networking business model has been endorsed by renowned financial educator like Robert Kiyosaki.

For ordinary people who can not afford to take any risk, it presents an excellent opportunity to start a business at a very low cost and without giving up his job or other business.

So make a decision now and join net working business.